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Brownstone Equity Partners

Brownstone Equity Partners Raises $40 Million for Debut Fund

Experienced Team to Invest in Technology-Enabled Companies

Miami, January 14, 2019

Holland Knight advised Brownstone Equity Partners, a new private equity fund based in Boston, on the creation of its debut fund. The fund has raised an initial $40 million from a diverse group of investors, including endowments, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals.

Brownstone Equity Partners was formed by a team of experienced investors with a track record of success in the technology sector. The team is led by Managing Partner Peter Brown, who has over 25 years of experience in private equity and venture capital. Brown was previously a partner at Westview Capital Partners, where he led investments in a number of successful technology companies.

Brownstone Equity Partners will invest in technology-enabled companies across a variety of sectors, including healthcare, fintech, and consumer internet. The fund will focus on companies with strong management teams and a clear path to profitability.

"We are excited to launch Brownstone Equity Partners and to have the opportunity to invest in the next generation of technology leaders," said Brown. "We believe that our experience and expertise will allow us to identify and invest in companies that have the potential to generate strong returns for our investors."

The fund has already made two investments: a Series A investment in a healthcare technology company and a Series B investment in a fintech company. Brownstone Equity Partners is actively seeking additional investment opportunities.

Conclusion: Brownstone Equity Partners has all the ingredients for success: an experienced team, a well-defined investment strategy, and a strong track record. The fund's $40 million debut fund is a testament to the team's ability to attract investors and its confidence in the future of technology-enabled companies.
