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Amazon King Of Capital

Inside the Private Equity Empire: A Deep Dive with "King of Capital"

Unveiling the Secrets of Blackstone and Beyond

By David Carey and John E. Morris

In their gripping narrative, "King of Capital," David Carey and John E. Morris take readers on a captivating journey into the inner workings of the private equity world. They unravel the extraordinary story of Blackstone, one of the most influential firms in the industry.

Through meticulous research and exclusive interviews, Carey and Morris expose the strategies, personalities, and key moments that shaped Blackstone's rise to dominance. They reveal how founder Steve Schwarzman orchestrated a series of audacious deals, including the transformative acquisition of Hilton Hotels.

The authors also delve into the broader landscape of private equity, exploring the evolution of the industry and its impact on the global economy. They discuss the role of leveraged buyouts, asset stripping, and the quest for unsustainable returns.


"King of Capital" is an indispensable read for anyone seeking to understand the complex and often controversial world of private equity. Carey and Morris paint a vivid picture of an industry where ambition, innovation, and greed often collide. The book serves as a chilling reminder of the power of unchecked capitalism and its potential consequences.
